Our Story

Black Sheep + Crew is now rebranded to "Branded By Fire"
A great rebranding is less about remaking your identity and more about becoming closer to who you already are.
Black Sheep Crew + Market was founded in 2021. As a family we were longing for community that believed in the full gospel, the Bible, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our passion was to share the gospel of Jesus in a creative way.

Jesus came into this world as fully Man and fully God to do one thing, to die. He is proclaimed by John the Baptist, in John 1:29, as “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” A lamb is the name for a baby sheep. In the Old Testament the lamb that was sacrificed was a foreshadow of Christ dying for us on the Cross—for our sins.

In John 15:1-7, the parable of the lost sheep speaks about how the Lord would leave the ninety-nine sheep for the one that got away. In our own testimony we have found that at one time in our history we were once the “one sheep,”—the one that felt like the outcast and misunderstood. However, the Lord pursued us and saved us because He loves us so much.

We find in Luke 4:16-30, Jesus came to His own hometown in Nazareth where he wasn’t welcomed. Again, we see in John 7:2-8, Jesus’ brothers didn’t accept Him for who He said He was. Here we see that Jesus wasn’t accepted and was misunderstood by His own family and friends.

“Black Sheep” is a play on words for both the one that is an unbeliever and feels like an outcast and the one that believes, but is misunderstood.

We hope that our rebrand will share the full gospel to the unbeliever; Simultaneously, to introduce you to the Lord that longs to draw you to Him. He is our Shepherd (Psalm 23). In addition, we hope to bring community to the misunderstood sheep that long for discipleship and community in Christ.

Welcome to “Branded By Fire,” we are so happy you’re here!